What can businesses learn from the rise of cyber espionage?

4 min read - It’s not just government organizations that need to worry about cyber espionage campaigns — the entire business world is also a target.Multipolarity has been a defining trend in geopolitics in recent years. Rivalries between the world’s great powers continue to test the limits of globalism, resulting in growing disruption to international supply chains and economics. Global political risk has reached its highest level in decades, and even though corporate attention to geopolitics has dropped since peaking in 2022, the impact…

DHS awards significant grant to improve tribal cybersecurity

4 min read - The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has awarded $18.2 million in grants through the Tribal Cybersecurity Grant Program to boost cybersecurity defenses among Native American Indian Tribes. The program takes a big step in addressing the unique digital threats faced by tribal communities — a dedicated effort to improve cybersecurity infrastructure across these regions. The $18.2 million grant is just one component of DHS's broader strategy to enhance national cybersecurity. Administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in partnership…

ChatGPT 4 can exploit 87% of one-day vulnerabilities: Is it really that impressive?

2 min read - After reading about the recent cybersecurity research by Richard Fang, Rohan Bindu, Akul Gupta and Daniel Kang, I had questions. While initially impressed that ChatGPT 4 can exploit the vast majority of one-day vulnerabilities, I started thinking about what the results really mean in the grand scheme of cybersecurity. Most importantly, I wondered how a human cybersecurity professional’s results for the same tasks would compare.To get some answers, I talked with Shanchieh Yang, Director of Research at the Rochester Institute…

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