Charles Henderson

Global Managing Partner and Head of X-Force
With more than two decades of experience in the information security industry, Charles leads a global team of hackers, researchers, investigators and incident responders. The team provides clients - from Fortune 100 enterprise companies to small and mid-sized companies – offensive and defensive security services. On the offensive side, Charles leads a team of hackers who are hired by clients to find, prioritize, and help fix exploitable vulnerabilities before attackers find them. The team offers penetration testing, vulnerability management and adversary simulation services. On the defensive side, Charles leads a team of first-responders, investigators, and researchers. The team helps clients rapidly detect, respond to, and investigate threats to reduce attacker dwell time and minimize impact. Together, Charles’s offensive and defensive teams create a formidable force for good in a world of threats that are escalating in both number and sophistication. Charles has been a featured speaker on security testing and incident response at various conferences around the world, including Black Hat, DEF CON, RSA, SOURCE, OWASP AppSec USA/Europe, and SXSW. He has also spoken as a subject matter expert for various top tier media outlets including CNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and others.
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